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Rooms available for hire at the Woodhatch Community Centre

New customer bookings will automatically be charged at a private rate. If you would like to apply for a community rate, please speak to the centre team.

Rate stated below are price per hour. Evening rate starts from 5pm.
Room Community day rate Community evening and weekend rate Private day rate Private evening and weekend rate
Whole premise £104 £120 £124 £144
Dining room and reception area £31 £36 £37 £44
Dining room £21 £26 £25 £31
Upstairs lounge £20 £26 £24 £31
Green room £19 £23 £23 £28
Upstairs meeting room £14 £17 £17 £20
Downstairs meeting room £12 £15 £15 £18
Beauty room £10 £12 £13 £15
Computer room £11 £13 £13 £16
Kitchen £17 £20 £19 £22
Snack bar £15 £17 £17 £20

Equipment hire

Equipment Cost
Projector and screen £3
Whiteboard and pens £3
Flip chart, including pens £3
Keyboard £3
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